Bisexual and Bi-friendly Groups & Events in the Tri-State Area
- New York - Long Island
- New York - Upstate
- New Jersey
- Connecticut
- Pennsylvania
- New England
- Mid-Atlantic
New York - Long Island
BIdentity is for honest, open, real dialogue about bisexuality in all its percentages.
If you don't simply identify as straight or gay but feel you're somewhere in the middle, but want to understand who you are and feel comfortable being you, this is the place for you.
We also welcome friends of bisexuals who wish to be part of the ongoing dialogue.
Getting Bi is Long Island's social discussion group for bisexuals meets on the first and third Monday of the month from 7:30-9:00 at the Long Island GLBT Community Center (34 Park Ave, Bay Shore)
Getting Bi is a program of The Long Island GLBT Center that provides a safe, bi-positive environment for Long Island bisexuals to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. Aside from regular meetings, Getting Bi also hosts events where Long Island bisexuals can meet one another in a confidential and non judgmental atmosphere. Meeting topics vary and all are welcomed to participate.
For more information please call 631.665.2300 or kerrie(at)liglbtcenter(dot)org
New York - Upstate
In February 2004 the same-sex weddings in New Paltz pushed the Hudson Valley LGBTQ community to the forefront of the national media.
In June of 2005 the New Paltz Pride March and Festival added to the momentum.
With it's opening in 2007 the Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center located in the historic Stockade District of Uptown Kingston NY, is working to build tomorrows infinitely safer, saner and healthier than our yesterdays.
Today, the Valley's network of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people is growing exponentially.
By coming together as a cohesive group, we are building a greater social network to host special events, develop programs to serve and educate both ourselves and the community, and leverage our political voice as one to be taken seriously on both a local and a national level.
You don't need to be a member to participate in the Center's events, over 1,100 people have already climbed on board. or
Bi-ways of Western New York is Buffalo and Western New York State's first bisexual network.
They provide awareness, educational, social, support and activism of and for the Bi-Community and the larger community of the area.
New Jersey
There are many bisexual & bi-inclusive activities for men and women going on throughout New Jersey.
All bisexual men and bisexual women are invited to join NJ's BiZone mailing list to keep up with them.
Also bisexual women are invited to join the NJ Bi Women's Group and the NJ Bi Women's Group's Announcement lists too.
New Jersey Bi Women Join these Yahoo Groups
Hudson Pride Connections and Hudson Pride Connections on MySpace
Hudson Pride Connections is a 501c3 nonprofit serving the greater Hudson County, New Jersey area with unique and dynamic services to bridge the gap for the underserved lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender communities and all people living with HIV.
Our website brings together all the latest news, events, resources, and information for you to learn about our mission.
Feel free to explore, learn how to support us, access our services, or even fill out a volunteer application.
Info: 201.963.4779 or e-mail: HPC (at) hudsonpride (dot) org
Jersey City Lesbian and Gay Outreach (JCLGO) and Jersey City Lesbian and Gay Outreach on MySpace
A vital voice in Jersey City committed to bringing the LGBT community together, JCLGO was founded in May of 2001 when residents noticed there was a fast growing population of Queer folks moving into Jersey City, but no real sense of community.
Very quickly JCLGO grew into an all-volunteer group and in only 3 months hosted Jersey City's 1st LGBT Pride Festival on August 25, 2001.
By 2004, JCLGO reached a milestone in Hudson County by raising the rainbow flag, a symbol of LGBT Pride, for the first time ever at the Hudson County Courthouse and at City Hall, Jersey City.
Today, JCLGO has continued to be as influential and proactive as it was when it was first founded in 2001.
Info: 201.333.5725 or e-mail: info (at) jclgo (dot) org
PFLAG (main site)
Support for parents, families, and friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people; help with coming out to family.
TriState Poly
Discussion, social and support group for polyamory in the New York City metro area. Meets 2nd Sunday 4:00 to 7:00 PM at 131 W 72nd Street (NY Spaces).
Info: 201.833.4065 or or e-mail
Most of the New Jersey get-together's are at the following places:
- The Pride Center: in New Brunswick, 1048 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick, NJ. For directions call Pride Center at 732/846-2232.
- The George Street Co-op: 89 Morris St., New Brunswick, NJ
- Chapter One Book Store: 128 Raritan Ave, Highland Park, NJ
- The Camden County Library: Meeting Room, 203 Laurel Road, Voorhees, NJ, (856) 772-1636 for directions.
- The Den The Den, 700 Hamilton St. Somerset, NJ (732) 545-7329
Conn-Bi-Nation is Connecticut's bisexual / pansexual / etc. activist and social group.
Every 2nd Sunday evening of the month, Conn-Bi-Nation holds its Monthly Organizing Meeting. We discuss activism, politics, education and visibility in the bisexual and larger queer communities and plan related activities. All bisexual / pansexual / etc. and bi-friendly folks are are encouraged to attend! The meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective.
Every 4th Sunday evening of the month, Conn-Bi-Nation holds its Monthly Social / Discussion Meeting. We get together to hang out, discuss bisexuality and other relevant topics, as well as planning other social get-togethers. All bisexuals / pansexuals / etc. and bi-friendly folks are encouraged to attend! The meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective.
For more information, or to confirm meeting dates in the event of a holiday falling on a regularly scheduled meeting time, e-mail Mike at bicbnguy (at) yahoo (dot) com.
Also please come join both of these two Conn-Bi-Nation Yahoo Groups too
Many Connecticut LGBT events including Conn-Bi-Nation's meetings are held at the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective (HGLHC) located at 1841 Broad Street Hartford, CT 06114 Phone: 860-278-4163 Fax: 860-278-5995 email: info (at) hglhc (dot) org
The Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective empowers individuals of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions to lead healthy lives through the provision of health and support services, education and advocacy. It is an advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues and is proud to maintain a prominent presence at meetings, events and venues where issues of relevance to HGLHC's constituency are discussed, decided or celebrated.
Connecticut PRIDE Hartford Rally and Festival has been producing Connecticut's LGBTI Festivals since 1981. It is Connecticut's largest LGBTI event.
PFLAG Hartford is a welcoming place for parents, family members and friends of lesbian gay, bisexual/pansexual, transgender and intersexed people people. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersexed people are also encouraged to attend meetings. PFLAG Hartford's website also lists the address and contact information for other PFLAG Groups in Conecticut.
PFLAG is an international orginization who's mission is to promote the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender/intersex persons, their families and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights.
The Triangle Community Center, Inc. (TCC) is a non-profit Connecticut corporation. It is located at 16 River Street (Mechanic Street entrance) in Norwalk Connecticut 06852 Phone: 203.853.0600 E-mail: (general) TCCenter (at) aol (dot) com (newsletter/calendar of events) tcceditor(at) aol (dot) com.
It provide services to help strengthen the lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender community's sense of identity, pride and visibility, as well as to work with the greater Fairfield County community to foster understanding and awareness of LGBT issues.
conn_glbt is an open and welcoming Live Journal blogging community for all people in Connecticut's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual/Pansexual Transgendered/Transsexual, Intersex and Queer Communities. It is also open to individuals who are "Straight But Not Narrow". conn_glbt, uniting together in Connecticut.
is the Philadelphia-area network of social, political and support groups for bisexual people and their friends.
New England
The Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) is a non-profit educational organization that has been serving the bisexual community since 1985.
Headquartered in Boston MA, the BRC provides education about and support for bisexual and progressive issues.
It is THE definitive places to start when searching for anything and everything about the bisexual community.
Founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 1985, the
New England Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Veterans, Inc., is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 "grass roots" membership based, support organization for homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual, active duty, reserve and veteran members of the United States Armed Forces, their families, friends and supporters.
Please check for schedule changes before setting out for any event.
Note: New groups, changes and special events are marked with this symbol ---> ##
People, this list is only as good as YOU make it.
If you find a bad link, if we need to add/update, if something is happening with YOUR group, etc. LET US KNOW. --- Thank you